Renee has been a resident of the Santa Clarita Valley since 1986 and has been a licensed Realtor since January 2004. Since May of 2012, the neighborhoods of Copper Hill, Tesoro, Alta Vista, Copperstone, Creekside, Bridgeport, Northpark, Northbridge and other surrounding areas have come to know Renee as regular visitor, and in some cases these relationships have evolved into clients and friends. Through working in these neighborhoods, Renee has become a true "neighborhood specialist" knowing every street, tract and many of the home owners or tenants in her territory. She is always up-to-date on the current listings and sales and keeps home owners educated about where the market is and where it's headed. With this knowledge along with the ability to listen and understand her client's wants and needs, Renee is able to save clients time and money giving them realistic expectations, especially in an ever-changing market. Although she has become a "specialist" in these neighborhoods, she has also helped clients purchase and sell homes throughout the Santa Clarita Valley, San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles area.
With Renee's attention to detail, diligence towards marketing efforts, determination to succeed and tough negotiating skills, she is a powerful Realtor to have represent you in selling your greatest asset and investment! With more than 90% of buyers visiting the Internet as their first step in searching for a home, it is more important than ever to represent your home as creatively, accurately and attractively as possible. Her marketing plan starts on the Internet and MLS with your listing description and professional photographs and continues off-line in the form of networking to other active brokers, direct mailers, flyers, cold-calling and door knocking until your home is sold! Her dedication to maintaining customer loyalty and referrals has her working hard around the clock to meet your real estate goals sooner than promised!
27953 Mandera Ct.
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